
Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria 2024

Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria – this is going to be our basic topic of discourse on this web page. In order to assist you with some core information you need to know about the Npower candidates selection process as well as the criteria for shortlisting successful candidates.


What to do for your name to appear on the Npower Shortlisted Candidates, criteria, and so on. We will also walk you through the Npower Selection Process.

All these are more are what we will be discussing in this article. So if you have not seen your name on the Npower Shortlisted candidates, we urge you not to worry much because it happens.

But in some cases, the reason can be that there are some errors in your application or you were unable to meet the requirements and qualifications to get your name among those that are shortlisted.

If that is your case, your name is not shortlisted or you want to know how the Npower Scheme does its selection of applicants, as well as the Criteria for getting your name shortlisted.

Then we urge you to carefully go through this article. It is important you tread it because you will get core information on how to deal with these issues whenever it arises.

If you have already applied for the Npower recruitment program and you want to know the Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria, then you are definitely on the right web page where you can get full and additional information you need to know about it.

All you have to do is pay more usual attention as we walk you through the process. The Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria is so important that if your name fails to appear even if your name is shortlisted you won’t get deployment later which is the final destination.

The final Npower Selection Process is the deployment stage. Failure to get to this stage, your effort in applying for the Npower Recruitment program is likely to be a waste.

Meanwhile, our aim is to ensure you get all the tips, core information, and guidelines on what to do in order to get your name shortlisted by the Npower recruitment scheme.

But bear in mind that the best way to get successfully get your name shortlisted is to beat the qualifications.

Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria

The Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria simply means the major stages that the Npower application form undergoes for in-depth verification of the application.

This is done to ensure that applicants meet the basic requirements and qualifications or criteria for applying for the Npower recruitment program before selecting the candidate and getting his or her shortlist.

These are the basic stages of the Npower  Selection Process.

Npower Selection Process

Npower Selection Process actually means the major process that an applicant’s recruitment application undergoes before reaching the agreement that such an applicant is suitable to be selected.

Now, here’s how the Npower Selection Process undergoes.

  • Once you submit your Npower recruitment application form
  • The Npower scheme receives your application
  • The next step is verifying your application
  • After verifying your application and it happens that you are able to meet the application requirement and qualifications.
  • Then your name will be selected to be among those who will be shortlisted.

This stage is one of the basic stages – the Npower Selection Process. If you are able to beat this stage, then you have just started piercing your way to passing the exam.

Just like mentioned, in the EXAM, otherwise known as the Npower test, you are to write the Npower CBT base test.

After writing the test and you pass the test by scoring at least 50% in the test, but if you want the Npower Selection Process to move smoothly for you, try your best to score at least 80% on the test.

After passing the test definitely your name has been shortlisted among the successful candidates.  The Final stage of the Npower Selection Process is getting deployed to where you will work.

Getting the Deployment Letter from the Npower team is the final stage of the recruitment, other things will be minor and to be completed bit by bit

Npower Shortlisting Criteria

Another important thing to bear in mind while submitting your Npower recruitment application is the criteria for getting your name shortlisted by the Npower program.

In order to get your name shortlisted by the Npower recruitment scheme, you must meet the Npower recruitment application requirements and qualifications.

But there is another basic thing to note. This is a common mistake that most Npower applicants make that hinders their name to be shortlisted even if they met the criteria.

  • Ensure that click on the “submit button” once you are done writing the test.
  • Another is that some fail to verify their BVN.
  • Try as much as possible not to validate your BVN before or after the CBT test.

Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria – Check Pre-selection List

  • Now, follow the guidelines below to check your Npower Pre-selection status.
  • First, go to the official Npower recruitment portal via or
  • Navigate and click on the “Check Pre-selection Status“ button
  • and enter the registered email address you used during registration. If you prefer, use your BVN or phone number in the box provided.
  • Click on Check Status.
  • The result will load up in minutes and you will receive a notification stating whether you have been pre-selected or not.
  • Get all your credentials ready and prepare for physical verification.

Meanwhile, if you find this article, Npower Selection Process & Shortlisting Criteria helpful or if you have something to share with us, you can do so in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to share with your friends on social media


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